## version ## language ## codeset 0 ; Catalog description for TrapTimer TRAPVEC_GAD ;Trap _vector ACTIVE_GAD ;_Active TEST_GAD ;_Test RESET_GAD ;_Reset CLEAR_GAD ;_Clear STATUS_GAD ;Status: MNU_PRJ_TITLE ; \x00Project MNI_PRJ_ABOUT ;?\x00About MNI_PRJ_QUIT ;Q\x00Quit ABOUT_TIT ; About TrapTimer ABOUT_TEXT ;TrapTimer v%s (%s)\n\nCopyright 1995 by:%sThis program is DiskWare. Send me one or\nmore disks with freely distributable\nprograms if you use it.\n\nBug reports and suggestions should also\nbe sent to the same address.\n\nThis program uses gadutil.library, which\nis Copyright 1994-1995 by P-O Yliniemi\nand Staffan H ABOUT_OK STATUS_0 ;Not installed! STATUS_1 ;Installed - Waiting for 'start timer' trap. STATUS_2 ;Installed - Waiting for 'stop timer' trap. RESULTFMT ;Elapsed time (TRAP #$%1$1lx): %2$010lu ticks = %3$08lu.%lu seconds.